Daily Cut-off (or Close of Business Day)The single point in time that signifies the end of that Business Day. The Trade Date of any Contract entered into after the Daily Cut-off shall be considered executed on the next Business Day.
Daily Price Limit
The maximum price advance or decline from the previous day's settlement price permitted during one trading session, as fixed by the rules of an exchange.
Dark Cloud Cover
On a Japanese Candlestick chart, a bearish reversal pattern where a black candlestick follows a long white candlestick. The large black candle casts a dark cloud over the preceding bullish trend. To create this pattern, the following day must open at a new high and must close below the midpoint of the body of the first day.

Day Order
An order that if not executed on the specific day is automatically canceled.
Day trader
Speculators who take positions in investment products, which are then liquidated prior to the close of the same trading day.
Day Trading
trading only intra-day, where all positions closed out before the end of the trading session.
An individual or firm that acts as a principal or counterpart to a transaction. Principals take one side of a position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closing out the position in a subsequent trade with another party. In contrast, a broker is an individual or firm that acts as an intermediary, putting together buyers and sellers for a fee or commission.
Deal Blotter
A listing of all the deals that were executed over a specified time period, usually the trading day.
Deal date
The date on which a transaction is agreed upon.
Deal Ticket
The primary method of recording the basic information relating to a transaction.
Dealing Desk
Generally speaking, the collection of dealers working for FXDirectDealer that facilitate the pricing and execution of customer orders.
Describes a security in an downtrent movement with subsequently lower highs and lower lows.
Generally speaking a breach of contract.
A negative balance of trade or payments.
An FX trade where both sides make and take actual delivery of the currencies traded.
A fall or decline in the value of a currency due to market forces.
Depth of market
A measure of the size of volume available for transaction purposes for a particular currency pair at a specific point in time.
A contract that changes in value in relation to the price movements of a related or underlying security, future or other physical instrument. An Option is the most common derivative instrument.
All the information required to finalize a foreign exchange transaction, i.e. name, rate, and dates.
The deliberate downward adjustment of a currency against its fixed parities or bands, normally initiated by a formal announcement by a country.
Discretionary Income
Net of tax and fixed personal spending commitments.
DM, DMark
Deutsche Mark.
Domestic Rates
The interest rates applicable to deposits in the country of origin.
The term used by FXDirectDealer representative to indicate that a verbal deal has been executed and is now a binding deal.
Down tick
The sale of a security (usually an equity or stock) at a price lower than the previous one.
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1:54 PM
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Best of luck.
8:47 PM
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5:01 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading education and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading education but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
6:49 PM
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8:57 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
5:04 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on online forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to online forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
8:43 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
11:31 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading systems and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading systems but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
8:36 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on learn forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to learn forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
6:50 PM
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Kind regards.
3:36 PM
Good informations for traders
1:56 PM
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