QStickQStick is a technical indicator developed by Tushar Chande to help identify trends on a Japanese Candlestick chart. It is a moving average of the difference between the opening and closing prices of a security. Chart courtesy of Prophet Financial Systems.
The actual price or the bid or ask price on a security at any given time.
An indicative market price, normally used for information purposes only. Consists of the Bid and Ask for a currency pair.
Quote Panel
The quote panel is the section in the FXDD Window that displays the quotes of major currencies and crosses and allows access to FXDirectDealer charts .
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4:37 PM
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12:17 AM
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4:15 AM
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7:24 AM
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8:42 PM
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4:24 AM
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9:32 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on learn forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to learn forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
12:50 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading systems and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading systems but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
7:06 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading education and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading education but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
10:53 PM
Hi there Blogger, I was doing some online research for new information on forex trade when I discovered this interesting topic about this post. This site, while not totally related to the forex trade news I was searching for, provides a lot of excellent and creative information. Thank you for the informative posts... I'll be sure to bookmark you and check back often! :)
11:02 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading education and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading education but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
5:05 PM
Greetings Blogger, I'm looking for information and chat about currency forex learn online trading and came across your site. There are some views in this post that I can take on board. I used currency forex learn online trading as one of my search terms which is how I came to visit your site. Enjoyed the read, I'll make note to come back again.
5:37 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading systems and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading systems but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
12:11 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on day trading futures and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to day trading futures but very interesting all the same!
Well, Christmas is over and we're all getting ready for the new year - so no more trading this year. I hope you did well. Personally I'm highly satisfied with the year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone. And as for stocks, I think the safest thing is to stick to trading the indices. There's still too much downward pressure.
I'm personally bullish on dollar and oil futures, although I'm in for the long haul.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Day Trading for some serious trading systems. I think you'll find it worth your while.
A happy new year to you and yours! Amon
10:05 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading education and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading education but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
10:00 PM
Interesting site, Blogger. I have been reserching for forex guru related information on the internet when I stumbled upon your blog. While surfing I came across one other terrific forex guru related site. Check it out. You may find it useful.
Best of luck.
9:49 AM
Good info. Thanks.
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3:21 PM
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Take a look at Wallstreetwinnersonline.com
1:06 AM
Just blogging for a while, my site is also about currency trading information, so just saying what's up.
11:49 PM
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