Japanese CandlesticksIn the 1700s a Japanese man named Homma, a trader in the futures market, developed a method of technical analysis to analyze the price of rice contracts known as candlestick charting. Candlestick charts display the high, low, open, and close for a security each day over a specified period of time, in a format similar to a bar chart, but in a manner that extenuates the relationship between the opening and closing prices. A narrow line (shadow or wick) shows the day's price range. A wider body marks the area between the open and the close, referred to as real body. If the close is above the open, the body is white or green (not filled); if the close is below the open, the body is black or red (filled). Steve Nison is credited with popularizing candlestick charting in the west and is seen as a leading expert on their interpretation.
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