RallyA recovery in price after a period of decline.
Random Walk
An economic theory that market price movements move randomly. This assumes an efficient market. The theory also assumes that new information comes to the market randomly. Together, the two assumptions imply that market prices move randomly as new information is incorporated into market prices. The theory implies that the best predictor of future prices is the current price, and that past prices are not a reliable indicator of future prices. If the random walk theory is correct, Technical Analysis cannot work.
The difference between the highest and lowest price of a future recorded during a given trading session.
Range Indicator
The Range Indicator is drawn from the idea that changes in the average day's intraday range (high to low) as compared to the average day's interday range (close to close) will either signal a start of a new trend or the end of an existing trend.
The price of one currency in terms of another, normally against USD.
A downward price movement after a price advance.
Realized P/L
The profit and loss generated from closed positions.
An upward price movement after a decline.
Reference Asset
An asset, such as a corporate or sovereign debt instrument, that underlies a credit derivative.
Regulated Market
A market that is regulated usually by a governmental agency that issues a number of guidelines and restrictions designed to protect investors.
A term used in technical analysis indicating a specific price level at which analysis concludes people will sell.
Resistance Point or Level
A price recognized by technical analysts as a price which will usually stop a movement of a foreign exchange rate from going higher. If a resistance level is "broken" the technician will conclude that the price movement of the instrument will continue to go higher.
An increase in the exchange rate for a currency as a result of central bank intervention. Opposite of Devaluation.
Right hand side
Corresponds to the Ask or Offer price of a foreign exchange rate. For example, given a price of .9630 - .9635, the right hand side is .9635. The right hand side is the side that a client would buy at.
Exposure to uncertain change, most often used with a negative connotation of adverse change.
Risk Capital
The amount of money the Customer is willing to put at risk and, which if lost would not, change the Customer's lifestyle or the Customer's family lifestyle.
Risk Management
the employment of financial analysis and trading techniques to reduce and/or control exposure to various types of risk.
Rollover credit
The credit (in base currency terms) added to a client’s account that is long a higher yielding currency overnight.
Rollover Debit
The debit subtracted from a client's account that is long a lower yielding currency overnight.
Round trip
Buying and selling of a specified amount of currency.
Running a position
The act of keeping open positions in hopes of a speculative gain.
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A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
12:49 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading systems and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading systems but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
7:05 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading systems and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading systems but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
10:52 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading systems and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading systems but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
5:04 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading systems and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading systems but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
12:09 AM
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We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
9:59 PM
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7:07 AM
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