OCO Order (One Cancel the Other Order)A One Cancels the Order is a Stop and Limit orders set simultaneously, whereby once either one is executed, the other is canceled. For example, an OCO may be place to close an existing position either with a Limit (take profit), or with a protective Stop (stop loss).
Offer (ask)
The price at which a dealer is willing to sell. The Offer is also called the Ask or Ask Price.
Offered market
Temporary situation where offers exceed bid.
Offsetting transaction
A trade with which serves to cancel or offset some or all of the market risk of an open position.
Old Lady
Old lady of Threadneedle Street, a term for the Bank of England., the central bank of England
Omnibus Account
An account maintained by one broker with another in which all of the accounts of the former are combined and carried only in its name, rather than designated separately.
Open order
An order that will be executed when a market moves to its designated price. Normally associated with Good 'til Cancelled Orders.
Open position
The difference between assets and liabilities in a particular currency. This may be measured on a per currency basis or the position of all currencies when calculated in base currency.
OTC Margined Foreign Exchange
Over-the-Counter (Off-exchange) Foreign Exchange markets, in which markets participants, such as FXDirectDealer and Customer, enter into privately negotiated Contracts or other transactions directly with each other for which margin is deposited and pledged against outstanding positions.
A deal from today until the next business day.
Overnight Position
A trade that remains open until the next business day.
Interesting site, Blogger. I have been reserching for forex financial trading the markets related information on the internet when I stumbled upon your blog. While surfing I came across one other terrific forex financial trading the markets related site. Check it out. You may find it useful.
Best of luck.
3:46 AM
G'day Blogger, what a great blog you have here, been entertained by the read. Just noticed that my intended brief time visiting blogs looking for currency forex learn online trading items has run into a couple of hours. Easily done when you get engrossed in what people write about. I should really use currency forex learn online trading as a search term but then I might miss places such as this post. Besides which working all the time is boring.
11:05 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on learn forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to learn forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
9:02 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on learn forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to learn forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
5:43 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
9:22 PM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on learn forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to learn forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
5:26 PM
Hello Blogger, I've just been playing Serious Sam 2 before getting down to do some research into 4x currency trading; on the whole I'd rather continue playing. First place I came to was this post so I've been having a goog time reading your blog. There are some ideas that I could maybe incorporate into 4x currency trading to make it more useful. Thank you!
5:53 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
11:55 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on online forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to online forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
12:38 AM
Well done on a nice blog Blogger. I was searching for information on online forex trading and came across your post this post - not quite what I was looking for related to online forex trading but very interesting all the same!
We're all getting ready for Christmas and there aren't many trading days left this year. Although I'm still trying to grapple with where the dollar's headed next year. My feeling is that it's going to be much the same as this - all over the place, but possibly on the ascendant over the year, mainly due the instability in the Eurozone.
If you do have a moment, please take a look at my new site on: Forex Trading .
A merry Christmas to you and yours! Amon
10:21 PM
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